
The Truth About Air Conditioner Efficiency: Debunking a Common Misconception

Setting the Record Straight on AC Efficiency

At D & K Heating & Cooling, we often encounter myths and misconceptions about air conditioning systems. Today, we’re addressing a prevalent belief that can cost homeowners money and comfort: the idea that keeping your AC at a constant temperature 24/7 is more efficient than adjusting it throughout the day.

The Myth

Many people believe that maintaining a constant indoor temperature requires less energy than allowing it to fluctuate and then cooling it back down. This misconception leads to unnecessary energy consumption and higher utility bills.

The Truth

In reality, your air conditioner works harder to maintain a cool temperature when the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air is greater. This means that keeping your home cooler than necessary when you’re away or asleep actually uses more energy.

The Solution

To maximize efficiency and save on energy costs:

  • Use a programmable thermostat to adjust temperatures based on your schedule
  • Set the temperature higher when you’re away or sleeping
  • Allow your home to warm up slightly during peak heat hours
  • Ensure proper insulation to maintain desired temperatures

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption without sacrificing comfort. If you’re in Omaha, La Vista, or Papillion, NE, and need help optimizing your AC system, don’t hesitate to contact D & K Heating & Cooling for expert advice and service.

Remember, understanding the facts about your air conditioning system can lead to better comfort, lower bills, and a more environmentally friendly home.